Relation Inclusion

Includesā€…ā€ŠAā€…ā€ŠBā€…ā€ŠRā€…ā€ŠS\textbf{Includes} \; A \; B \; R \; S

Relationā€…ā€ŠAā€…ā€ŠBā€…ā€ŠR\textbf{Relation} \; A \; B \; R

Relationā€…ā€ŠAā€…ā€ŠBā€…ā€ŠS\textbf{Relation} \; A \; B \; S

āˆ€(xāˆˆA:āˆ€(yāˆˆB:R.x.y:S.x.y))\forall (x \in A : \forall (y \in B : R.x.y : S.x.y))


  1. Includesā€…ā€ŠAā€…ā€ŠBā€…ā€ŠRā€…ā€ŠS\textbf{Includes} \; A \; B \; R \; S can be abbreviated by Includesā€…ā€ŠRā€…ā€ŠS\textbf{Includes} \; R \; Swhen AA and BB are clear from the context.

  2. Includesā€…ā€ŠRā€…ā€ŠS\textbf{Includes} \; R \; S can be written RāŠ†SR \subseteq S.

pred Includes(A,B: set univ, R,S: univ->univ) {
  R in S
Withinā€…ā€ŠAā€…ā€ŠBā€…ā€ŠRā€…ā€ŠS\textbf{Within} \; A \; B \; R \; S

Includesā€…ā€ŠAā€…ā€ŠBā€…ā€ŠSā€…ā€ŠR\textbf{Includes} \; A \; B \; S \; R


  1. Withinā€…ā€ŠAā€…ā€ŠBā€…ā€ŠRā€…ā€ŠS\textbf{Within} \; A \; B \; R \; S can be abbreviated by Withinā€…ā€ŠRā€…ā€ŠS\textbf{Within} \; R \; Swhen AA and BB are clear from the context.

  2. Withinā€…ā€ŠRā€…ā€ŠS\textbf{Within} \; R \; S can be written RāŠ‡SR \supseteq S.

pred Within(A,B: set univ, R,S: univ->univ) {

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